Idea’s to Help Grow Your Home Business.
During the time it takes to build your business, you should also be studying, or finding out as much as you can about the different ways to market your business on the internet.There are some good e-books and programs out there in the market place and there are some that are not so good. Some are free and freely available, and others you may have to pay for. A few that I have found helpful have been “The 27 Steps to Internet Marketing” *,. Which gives one a good idea of what is required, and what one has to do to get their business running on a good foot.Another way is to find out what the real “Guru’s” are telling us to do. Find them some do have training programs available. There is even information available on YouTube, for one to find out about running a business on the internet. You can also find some good information from reading Ezine’s many of the authors are in business for themselves, and have lots of good tips to help others.Some of the programs you can buy into do offer fairly good training, although not all, and some only tell you how to repeat what they are doing, and assuring you that you will make money using their methods. I listen to everyone and everything I can on the internet. Write down the important aspects, if they are audio or video, then see how I can use them to increase traffic to my business.Some work some take longer, yet I know if I stay with it, eventually the tide will turn. I am not about to give up, just because this or that didn’t have quite the effect I was promised it would have.I write articles, here and on other sites. I like writing so it is fairly easy for me to sit down and write three or four articles, at one time. For you writing may not be your forte, so you may have to look at something else you are good at and can do easily, to promote your business. Maybe you can’t write articles, but can write a catchy letter, get this e-mailed out to your prospects,If you can afford it go to one of the autoresponder companies, Aweber is one whom it seems even the “Guru’s” use, for their bulk mailings, and they for a price will sell you one of their lists to send out your letter or advertisement to. Or use one of their letters if you are unable to write one for yourself. Just make the necessary changes to the template you have chosen.As with any business, whether in the main street or on the Internet, you have to advertise your business, let people know it is there, but you obviously want traffic that buys from you, and not the window shopper, who looks and walks away. They will not help you make money on your site, so it’s finding the right type of visitors that is important to the growth of your business.So if you are buying a list, make sure you tell the person you are buying the list from what you are marketing, and for what target group, it’s no good sending a list to animal lovers, about weight loss, they will not be interested in your product. Or advertise that you are selling e-books on How to start and internet business, to people who are looking for books on craft.Each list must pertain to the type of business you are running. If you are running several different types of businesses, then you may need to get several lists one for each, or you may be able to get away with a general list, but it will not last or bring you the desired effect to grow any one of those businesses to produce the kind of income you are looking for.Main street advertising, and Internet advertising, are vastly different, although I think some of the methods are similar, in that you want to grab peoples attention. Main street, may do this by hanging banners outside their shops, advertising a product, or themselves. On the Internet, you can also use banners to advertise your business.So there are similarities, and there are a lot of differences, people go to the internet to look for something they are interested in. They will put a few key words into their search area and click for a search. The page then flicks up with about ten names all linked to the key words they used. Is your business on that first or second page, rarely do people go beyond that. What they may do is chance their search words, if the first time they didn’t find what they where after. Again another page will appear, are you on that one.Many will want to find what they are looking for quickly, not wanting to waste time searching for something. A few may take the time to browse, through different pages, but they either are not sure of what they want, or just doing that browsing, not really interested in buying anything at all.