Home Business Essentials – The Purpose Of Personal Branding
When setting up your own home business, one of the foremost essentials is to create your own personal branding. The true value of setting yourself apart so that you stand out cannot be underestimated. For instance, what thoughts are conjured up when you think of Madonna, Sir Richard Branson, or Lord Alan Sugar? How did they harness the purpose of personal branding?It’s hard to imagine Madonna as your average female singer – because she certainly is not. Sir Richard Branson’s brand, Virgin, is known worldwide – as are his outdoor exploits, while Lord Alan Sugar is known in the media and boardroom for his fiery temper and inability to suffer fools gladly. And what about Anita Roddick, who campaigned tirelessly for the environment with her Body Shop products, or Kate Moss, who initiated the waif-like supermodel?Cleverly, each name has built a business around a clear, concise and consistent personal brand. When you think of each of these names – they stand out for the ‘thing’ they are known for.So, when you are thinking about your own home business essentials, how do you start – bearing in mind that the purpose of personal branding is not just for the rich and famous?I believe personal branding fulfils 3 purposes:1) It separates. Commodities are every day items like coffee beans, or bacon, or jam. People don’t usually get too excited about such things, they just buy them and use them. But put a brand name on them, and they turn into something completely different, something that people are prepared to pay that bit extra for.2) It provides a frame-work for you to fill. If you are a touchy-feely person, you can use that characteristic and take it into the business world to promote your service or product. If you love to come alongside people and help them get to the next level, you can be a mentor or coach brand.3) It helps you become more visible. Personal branding raises your visibility so that you are instantly recognisable. When we click onto a link and read something, we unknowingly categorise people and stay on the page if we relate, or move off swiftly if we don’t.The process of personal branding takes time and the majority of us start our home businesses with the bare essentials – our product, our values, our beliefs and motivation. Gradually we learn how to package ourselves as we understand exactly what it is that we wish to project. These may be uncomfortable words for some, but to be successful in home business, you have to have your own image.Personal branding is a voyage of discovery – both exciting and scary. We don’t always know how much of ourselves to project and how much to protect. Knowing how confusing and overwhelming some aspects of home business can be. iMMACC centre has been created to help you, so make yourself a coffee, pull up a chair and click on the following link http://www.earnyourwealth.co.uk. It is essential to have personal branding in your home business, but now you know the purpose!