How to Make Money Online and Work From Home
How do people make money online and work from home, bringing in full-time incomes while working only part-time? Is it really possible to earn enough money online to quit your day job and spend more time with family, doing the things that are important to you? As a freelance writer turned internet marketer, I hear these questions frequently. The fact is, there is incredible money to be made online, and one of the most lucrative ways is through article writing and affiliate marketing.Article writing for the web can be very lucrative in itself, whether the author publishes those articles on revenue-sharing sites, in article directories, or on his own blogs and sites. As long as the articles are monetized with the placement of ads on the pages, there is earnings potential. For example, some content writers who have a few hundred articles posted on a typical revenue-sharing site may bring in $1,000 or more in earnings from their articles every month. Article writing is a great way to make money online and work form home — it can be done anywhere.Adding affiliate links to an article increases its earnings potential dramatically. Now, in addition to the revenue from advertisements alongside the article, web writers can earn money from sales of products they recommend in their content. For example, in an article about beagle puppy training, the author notes that in-depth training programs can be found in a certain book and uses a special code to link to that book from his article. If readers click the link and decide to purchase the book, the article writer will receive a sales commission.The combination of hundreds of articles and blog posts with affiliate marketing (linking to a product or service with an affiliate code generated through an affiliate program) is powerful — truly a lucrative way to make money online and work from home. The earnings potential in a single niche, like dog training, is thousands per day. Even if an online writer-marketer only realizes a fraction of that potential, he’s doing very well. Now multiply that by several niches, more time and more articles and links, and income can be quite substantial.Those who want to find a way to make money online and work from home and are unsure of the exact steps to take to meet their goals would do best to surround themselves with a community of web writers and internet marketers. In such a setting, everyone is working toward the same goal of financial independence through online businesses. Getting started with article writing and online marketing is far less daunting when there is a method to follow and support form those who have succeeded.It is definitely possible to make an excellent living online while working from anywhere that has an internet connection, whether that’s home or a coffee shop or a sandy beach somewhere. One of the best ways to realize this dream is through article writing and affiliate marketing, leveraging the power of 24-hour online traffic to earn money around the clock. New internet marketers and those who want to learn the ropes of online business are most likely to succeed when they have instruction from experienced and successful online marketers and are part a of a community of their peers.