How to Come Up With a Name For Your Home Based Business

The most difficult part about starting your home bases business is coming up with a names that is uniquely you. Many will turn to a thesaurus or go to the internet for fresh ideas. One thing you want to stay away from is closely copying from someone else, you will save yourself much trouble in the long run. Don’t rush in finding a name, you want something catchy, yet simplistic. Here are more things to consider:Be OriginalFirst, take a look at what it is you are doing in this home business and try to put it is a sentence or two. Can you make an acronym out of it? Can you develop or think of a creative phrase that describes your business? How about using your name? Now try spelling you name backwards, does it spell a word. The word doesn’t have to be in Websters dictionary. For instance, I worked for a company in California whose name was “Anoroc”, I later learned, the owners like Corona beer and that how they came up with the name of the company.What niche does your business fill? The name or the idea for the name may be right there. Although many first time business owners were successful in coming up with a name before they launched their business, you may need to sleep on this for awhile until your creative thoughts give you something to work with.Think outside the boxYes, that is a cliche, but we do paint our selves into a corner (oops there I go again) when it comes to things like coming up with a plan or a name. Does your business have a corporate flair to it, how do you want people to perceive your new venture.? All of these questions should and will influence what you call your business. If your target market is stay at home moms, you should talk with a few of these moms, to get some ideas. What would you ask them? You can start with a casual conversation and then lead into talking about your products and services. If you can get them talking, you will hear a good idea when someone speaks it. Be ready to write it down!Search the internetSearch for an idea, not for thee name! But, an Idea for a name. This can be time consuming, but, write down what you have gathered so far, you can use this information later. Remember you want to be original.In closing, here are a few things to remember when you think you have the name for your business. The name should describe your business (best it can). When someone says it, the name should say something about what you do or what you offer. Keep it simple; remember, that same name will (should be) a web site. And if your business name is spelled in some difficult way, your customers may never find you on the internet. Make it easy to remember; If you can have a short, catchy name, that customers will remember the first time they hear it, you’ve done well!

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