Make Money From Home – Work For Yourself!

Unless you are already wealthy, or inherit, win the lottery, or have a nice passive income coming in from an existing property or investment, you are unlikely to become rich. You are also more unlikely to become rich, working for someone else. The obvious exceptions to that rule are certain employees (such as those at the Google start up) being in the right place at the right time, senior managers and certain individuals who work for the banks and financial markets. Some of their options and bonuses would do most people a lifetime. But, if we talk in percentage terms, then there is a definite likelihood, that if you work for someone else, you will not become rich, wealthy or anywhere near it. You may if you’re lucky, after 30 years or so, pay off your house, even buy a second one, but in the scheme of things, you will be no big player.But, there is an opportunity that is open to everyone of us. Sure, the risks are far greater, the hours may be longer and the sleepless nights may increase. But, having worked on both sides of the fence, I would say that working for yourself is the only way to go. That’s easy for you to say, I can hear you cry. I’ve got a job that pays the mortgage, two kids in school and bills to pay. Yep, been there, done that. In truth, I added so many floors to my personal skyscraper that it became impossible to jump from without causing serious bodily harm.But I still jumped (and it hurt).But I think most people, in employment, will find any leap into the dangerous and shark infested waters of self employment a scary thing to do. Many will never do it and of course, that’s fine too. We can’t all be self employed entrepreneurs, someone has got to stoke the fires, keep the hospitals running etc. etc.However, if you do find yourself in a job that you hate and you know that self employment is the way forward, there is a way to test the water before you leap. It’s called the weekend, it’s called the evening, it’s even called borrowing some of your employer’s time (if you’ve basically decided to call it a day and no longer fear the sack).Test out your idea. Try it. Build it. Then jump. Jeronimo!

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